This project was a collaboration between Benjamin Eggler, Nhut Do, and me. We wanted to create an Aetherpunk alleyway focused around a little ramen shop. It is heavily inspired by the art styles of Arcane and Nimona. I worked on surfacing assets like the shop sign, shop lanterns, the buildings and the street. as well as creating the holograms and graffiti on the street, buildings and the street blockers. My main focus for this project was the lighting which I wanted to make look like a futuristic neon city.

Benjamin Eggler:

Nhut Do:

Even though we were only focusing on an alley, we wanted to keep in mind that the lighting would be affected by the shadows of buildings and that the camera could possibly catch the edges of the other buildings. I modeled a bunch of building sections and roofs that could be stacked and reused to build a small street.

The building sections were heavily based on buildings in Piltover and the Kingdom of Nimona. They have a very medieval feel to them even though they are very simple.

The hologram graffiti are 3 cards stacked on top of each other with each card having a different layer of a drawing. Usually the top layer would be the lining of the drawing, the middle layer would be some of the more detailed bits and the bottom layer would be the background of the drawing. By doing it in this way I could make them pop off of the walls and even move them in and out.

I also rigged the holograms so that I could bend them around corners.

The circular holograms on the parking poles are similarly made of 3 cylindrical cards which were set to rotate around each other.

I made a total of 12 different illustrations for the graffiti holograms seen throughout the scene.